Divorce can be difficult in many ways. There's no question about that. Even in the best of circumstances, and even when you know that your decision is the right one, you may have many questions and worries. Some of those will be emotional and very personal, and others...
Divorcing from an Abusive Spouse: What You Need to Know
Domestic violence impacts an estimated four million people every year, affecting not only the victims but also children, relatives, friends, and employers. While the majority of victims are women, many men suffer as well. Take Immediate Action if Your Spouse is...
Co-parenting with an Abusive Ex-Spouse
Experiencing domestic violence is painful and traumatic, and the last thing victims want is to relive those experiences after leaving. However, having children with an abuser can feel like an ongoing ordeal, even after divorce. In many cases, parents are required to...
Supporting and Empowering Male Victims of Domestic Violence
Domestic violence, or intimate partner violence, occurs when an imbalance of power or control is present in a close relationship. It manifests in various forms: emotional abuse, sexual abuse, physical abuse, stalking, or threats of these actions. Abusive behaviors can...
How to Tell Your Husband You Want a Divorce
How do you tell your spouse that you want a divorce? This is a question that we hear often – and that’s understandable. Even if you have reached the point in your marriage where you believe that divorce is the best option, this is still a difficult, uncomfortable, and...
Spy Gear: What is Your Partner Using to Monitor You?
Privacy is a significant concern in today’s society. Worries about hacking and privacy violations have increased with every new gadget, household item, or toy equipped with “smart” technology. Data breaches at major companies highlight the vulnerabilities of online...
Does it Matter Who Files for Divorce First?
If you’ve made the difficult decision to move forward with a divorce, you may wonder how quickly you need to move forward after making that decision. You may wonder if it is critical to file for divorce first and if doing so will give you any advantages during the...
What is a Contested Divorce?
What is a contested divorce? In essence, a contested divorce is one in which the spouses disagree on some aspect of the divorce. This can be a disagreement over any of the issues that couples commonly confront during the divorce process, including property...
How to Ask for a Divorce
If you've decided to leave your marriage, it is likely not a decision you made easily or quickly. It’s one of the most challenging and important decisions you’ll ever make. It’s also true that making that decision is only the first step of the process. For many...
Can You Divorce Without Splitting Assets?
Without question, divorce is a life-changing decision. It is also a decision that requires couples to confront many complex issues, including the division of their property. Depending on how long a couple has been married, they may have accumulated many assets, not to...
Who Gets the House in a Divorce?
Property division is an issue that almost every couple will face during their divorce. Not all couples will have children. Not all couples have pets. Not all spouses necessarily want or need alimony. However, almost all couples will have some property that must be...
Why No-fualt Divorce is Bad
When you file for a divorce, you must indicate why the marriage is ending on your divorce petition. You might often hear this referred to as the “grounds” for the divorce. Many people have heard the terms “no-fault divorce” and “fault-based” divorce but aren't sure...
Reasons for Mediation
Divorces are unique, and mediation can be an effective tool to help resolve disputes. When spouses or parents struggle to agree on a fair settlement, a mediator can facilitate decision-making. Mediators are invaluable for families who want to avoid courtroom battles...
How to Reach an Agreement in a Successful Mediation
If you are in the midst of a divorce, mediation might be a viable option for you. Mediation is an amicable negotiation with your spouse facilitated by a neutral third party. It is quicker, cheaper, and more private than traditional court proceedings, but it may only...
Alienation of Affection
Alienation of Affection in North Carolina: Understanding the Legal Claim In North Carolina, alienation of affection is a unique legal claim that allows a spouse to sue a third party for damaging their marriage. This law stems from the idea that marriage is a...
What is a Divorce Decree?
What is a divorce decree? Simply put, it is the official court order that legally ends a marriage. Often, it will contain not only the legal decree but also the terms of the divorce regarding the various issues in the case. After it is entered, the parties are...
How Much Does A Divorce Lawyer Cost?
If you are considering divorce, you likely have more than a few worries– and that's understandable. It's not an easy decision, and it can sometimes be a complicated process. For many people, some of those worries are financial. After all, getting a divorce means...
How to File for Divorce
When most people decide to get married, they expect it to be a lifelong decision –sometimes, that's how it turns out. In other cases, however, for many reasons, a marriage may not be the "forever" that both people expected when they walked down the aisle. This isn't...
Local Support Groups in North Carolina
Navigating the challenges of divorce or other life transitions can be overwhelming. In North Carolina, communities offer a range of support groups to help individuals through these difficult times.
Rebuilding Your Social Life After Divorce
Divorce marks a significant turning point in life, filled with emotional upheaval and major adjustments. Among the most challenging aspects is the impact on your social life.
What Is A Divorce Decree?
Learn about the divorce decree, the final order in a case, and steps to its conclusion. Explore out-of-court options like mediation, arbitration, and collaborative law. Understand litigating in court and moving forward after receiving your decree. The Law Office of Dustin McCrary provides guidance and support.
Understanding Absolute Divorce in North Carolina
Explore the process of absolute divorce in North Carolina, from residency to separation requirements. Learn how to navigate the no-fault divorce process smoothly with insights from The Law Office of Dustin McCrary.
Mediation and Divorce in North Carolina
Discover how mediation can help you resolve divorce issues quickly and effectively. Learn about the process, advantages, and steps involved in mediation. Contact us at The Law Office of Dustin McCrary for tailored legal guidance.
What Is A Divorce Decree
Discover what a divorce decree means for your marriage dissolution process. Learn about its significance, the steps leading to its issuance, and what to do once you receive it. Navigate the complexities of divorce with guidance from The Law Office of Dustin McCrary.
What Are Family Consent Orders?
Navigating child custody during divorce can be complex. Discover the benefits of a consent order and why it might be the right choice for you. Learn how to secure a fair custody agreement with the guidance of experienced attorneys. Trust The Law Office of Dustin McCrary to support you through every step of your divorce journey.
Litigating Your Divorce in Court in North Carolina
Discover the ins and outs of divorce litigation in North Carolina, from filing a petition to the final decree. Learn why some cases end up in court and how a skilled attorney like Dustin McCrary can guide you. Navigate the complexities with guidance from The Law Office of Dustin McCrary – your trusted partner in North Carolina divorce proceedings.
How Do I File for Divorce?
Learn how to file for divorce in North Carolina, from no-fault grounds to residency requirements. Discover the crucial steps and the importance of hiring the right attorney. At The Law Office of Dustin McCrary, we specialize in divorce law and guide you through the process for a smoother journey. Call us today for expert advice.
Finding A Local Divorce Lawyer
Even in the best of circumstances, divorce, like most legal matters, can be a lengthy and complicated process. It can be a journey with a lot of twists and turns. The good news is that it’s not a journey you have to make alone. In fact, it’s a journey that you...
How To File For Divorce In North Carolina
You may have arrived at this page because you feel that your marriage has reached its end. Sometimes this happens suddenly – in other cases, it is a resolution reached after a long time and a great deal of thought. Regardless of what has led you to this point,...
Divorcing An Unemployed Spouse
The end of a marriage is difficult, even in the best of circumstances. Even when you know it’s the best decision, it is still a painful process. This is even more true when there are extenuating circumstances that can add an extra layer of complexity to the situation....
How To Choose A Divorce Attorney
If you find yourself at the beginning of the divorce process, you may feel a little overwhelmed – and that's normal. Realizing that the end of your marriage is the best path forward is a difficult decision to make. Typically, it's a very emotional time, and it can be...
Divorce Law In North Carolina
Finding yourself at the beginning of the divorce process can be overwhelming, to say the least. Realizing that your marriage is ending is painful and difficult – even when you know that divorce is the best option. When you find yourself at the beginning of this...
Want to Stop Your Divorce?
A Guide to Voluntary Dismissal
Typically, divorce is a last resort for most couples. It's a decision reached only after all other measures have failed. For those who haven't yet tried all other options, doing so is always advised. The truth about marriage is that it is never easy. It takes hard...
Divorcing During A Recession
There are any number of difficulties that can lead to divorce. Sometimes, it can be something abrupt and painful like discovering an ongoing affair or a hidden addiction. In other cases, it can be the result of an ongoing struggle over an issue that has long been...
Planning For Your Children’s Future – Paying For College Following A Divorce
For many couples, financial matters are difficult to address during a divorce. They can be complex – and this is even more true for couples who have children. Most parents want to support their children as much as possible throughout their lives – and to plan and...
Alienation Of Affection And Divorce In North Carolina
Divorce is never easy. That's the simple truth of the matter, even in the best of circumstances. Without question, it can be even more difficult to move on if the end of a marriage was caused by someone other than your spouse. Certainly, there are any number of...
Financial Planning For Divorce
Divorce isn’t a decision that most people take lightly. It’s a decision that will significantly impact your life and one that is best made after sufficient thought and planning. This is certainly true when it comes to finances. Financial planning before a divorce is...
Alienation of Affection Claims in North Carolina
It’s a simple truth that there are few things that have the potential to devastate a marriage more than an affair. Whether you are the spouse who has had the affair, or the spouse who feels betrayed, on either side of the coin, emotions are volatile and tensions can...
What is a Separation Agreement?
If you are considering divorce, or are in the midst of the divorce process, you may feel overwhelmed. That’s completely normal. Any legal matter can be complex, and divorce often involves many issues that can be emotional and complicated in many ways. Sometimes,...
Filing for Divorce in North Carolina
If you are considering a divorce, or if you have already made the decision to divorce and are wondering how to move forward, you might have many questions. That’s entirely understandable. Without a doubt, divorce can be a complex and often difficult process, as...
Conscious Uncoupling – Is it Right for You?
The ending of any marriage is painful. There’s no question about it. There can be a tendency to view the end of a marriage negatively – and that's understandable. On the other hand, however, the end of a marriage can also be a chance to look forward to new beginnings,...
Parenting During Divorce
While divorce may mean the end of a marriage, parenthood is forever. Although you will no longer be husband and wife, you’ll always be mom and dad. With that in mind, most parents want to know – what can we do to be the best parents that we can be throughout the...
Common Law Marriage and Divorce in North Carolina
Perhaps you and your partner have been together for a long time – maybe even many years. You’ve lived in the same house, shared the same bills, divided the chores – basically, you’ve lived life together, much as any legally married couple would. So you may find...
Introduction to North Carolina Divorce Laws
Legal matters can be complex – and divorce is no different. If you aren’t a trained legal professional, trying to sift through the laws and understand them can be confusing and frustrating, to say the very least. That confusion and frustration is very normal....
How a Prenup Can Protect You During Divorce
When most people walk down the aisle, they truly believe they’re making a lifetime commitment. Especially in the early stages of a relationship, it can seem as if love will, indeed, last forever. Sometimes, that ends up being the case. In other cases, however, things...
How Do I Get Divorced in North Carolina?
In North Carolina, you may often hear the term “absolute divorce.” Understandably, legal terms can be confusing – you may wonder, what is an absolute divorce? Is every divorce an absolute divorce? In North Carolina, the term “absolute” divorce simply means the...
North Carolina Divorce Laws: Frequently Asked Questions
As with many legal matters, divorce can be complicated, and it can be confusing. It is already an overwhelming experience for most people, simply from an emotional perspective – and additional stress caused by worry about the legal process itself can feel...
Reducing the Cost of Divorce
It’s no secret that divorce can be stressful. Without question, it’s one of the most significant and disruptive changes that many people will make in their lives. Even if it is ultimately for the best, it is certainly not without difficulty and frustration. Of course,...
Breaking Down the Cost of Divorce
Deciding to divorce is the beginning of a long, and often complex process. It's a process that will force you to address many issues and one that will cause you to ask many questions. One of the first questions you're understandably likely to ask is – how much will...
How to Choose a Divorce Attorney
Without question, making the decision to divorce is probably one of the most difficult decisions you'll ever have to make. The truth, though, is that deciding to divorce is only the first of many decisions you'll have to make throughout this process. One of the...
Mediation in North Carolina
How Can We Avoid Taking Our Divorce to Court? Sometimes, a couple reaches a point where they both agree that divorce is the best path forward – but they don’t want to end up trapped in a long, contentious court battle. That’s entirely understandable. Long, drawn-out...
Starting the Divorce Process
A Few of the First Steps You Should Take At the beginning of a marriage, most people never expect to find themselves filing for divorce. It isn’t a pleasant prospect for most people – and it’s usually not a decision that’s reached easily. Once you’ve decided that...
Is Domestic Violence Grounds for Divorce?
Are you a victim of domestic violence? If you are, you may find yourself feeling overwhelmed. Afraid. Uncertain of where to turn, or what to do. It’s important to know and understand first and foremost, that if you find yourself in this situation, it’s not your fault...
Spousal Spying in North Carolina
What You Need to Know At the beginning of a marriage, most people never expect to reach a point where they feel suspicious and untrusting of their spouse. Unfortunately, however, more than a few marriages do reach that point. Maybe you’ve been having difficulties...
What to Do Before Filing for Divorce
If you have reached the point in your marriage where you have decided you are ready for divorce, you may feel ready to move full steam ahead with getting the process started. This is understandable, as couples who decide to divorce typically do so after many months,...
Signs to Watch for If You Suspect That Your Ex May Be Turning Against You
It’s no secret that divorce is difficult, even in the very best of situations. Even in situations where both parties to the marriage agree that divorce is for the best, and are able to put their differences aside and work cooperatively toward resolution of the issues...
Can I Get a Jury Trial for My Divorce?
When you are going through a divorce, you want the most favorable results possible. You want to be compensated for the time you spent cleaning the home and taking care of the kids. You may want joint custody of the children, and you may even want the marital home....
Common Financial Mistakes to Avoid During the Divorce Process
When couples contemplate the divorce process, without question, there are many issues that may seem intimidating to tackle. Certainly, highest among them are issues involving children, if the divorcing couple has them. But following closely behind are many issues...
Is Your Spouse Spying on You?
Staying Aware of Spy Gear It’s no secret that we live in a world of highly advanced technology. Many of us have “smart” phones, “smart” cars, and even smart homes. Sometimes, it can seem that our technology is even smarter than we are. While these intelligent and...
Why You Shouldn’t Divorce Before Property is Settled
You’ve been separated for one year and a day….check. You’ve decided to go through with the divorce….check. You’ve hired a divorce attorney…check. You’ve decided to divide your marital property….check. Now what? Though you may think that all of your I’s have been...
What Mediation Can Do For You
When you’re going through a divorce it may seem that you and your ex-spouse cannot seem to agree on anything: where the kids should stay, who should have the marital home, is alimony necessary. Don’t think you are alone in this. Most people going through a divorce...
The Benefits of Collaborative Divorce
You may be at a point in your life where you are facing the prospect of divorce. The realization you’re your marriage is ending can often be overwhelming and stressful enough, and facing the prospect of a long drawn-out court battle over the issues that matter to you...
Co-Parenting After Abuse
Co-parenting after a divorce can be complicated. This is true even in the best of circumstances. Understandably, after a marriage ends, emotions are often running high, not to mention the fact that an inability to work together cooperatively is often part of what...
Domestic Violence and Staying Safe
Unfortunately, we all may know someone who has been subjected to domestic violence. And as statistics show, domestic violence occurs at least once in two thirds of all marriages throughout the United States, with over 95% of those subjected to domestic violence being...
Domestic Violence – How to Identify It and How to Protect Yourself
When most of us enter into a marriage, or really any type of long-term romantic relationship, particularly in the early stages of that relationship, we feel in love and we hope for the best. In the beginning, many people would find it almost impossible to believe that...
What is a Qualified Medical Child Support Order?
At the Law Office of Dustin S. McCrary, family law is our passion. We spend each and every day working with families, and have the opportunity to see how much parents love their children on a daily basis. Without question, most parents want to support their children...
What to Do When Your Ex Moves in with Their Significant Other
Not only are you dealing with the stress of a divorce proceeding, but also you are trying to find consistency in your changing new life. Your ex moving in with a new significant other is never easy, especially if it occurs before you are even divorced. You may feel...
Separation Agreement Anxiety
It’s bad enough you are going through a separation; however, now you are being told that a separation agreement is wanted as well. As if you are not already stressed about the separation and how to move forward in your life, you now have to speak with your spouse and...
Who Gets the Wedding Ring?
There are many questions that arise during the divorce process. Who gets the house? Who will have primary custody of the children? Who will pay support, and alimony, and how much? And among these questions, one of the most commonly asked, but one which people...
Rethinking Divorce : A Guide to Voluntary Dismissal
Making the decision to pursue a divorce is never easy. Often, couples find themselves facing divorce after significant emotional difficulty and turmoil in their marriage, and when they make the decision to begin the process, they truly believe it is the best path...
Preparing for Divorce : A Checklist
One universal truth about divorce is that it is rarely an entirely pleasant experience for anyone. Understandably, the end of a marriage and the prospect of beginning to transition from the life you shared together to a new journey on your own can be an emotional and...
Legal Separation in North Carolina – When are We Legally Separated?
When most people decide to marry, they expect that they will be with a lifelong partner for better or for worst. Unfortunately, sometimes the worst gets the best of marriages. If you have found yourself in this situation, you and your spouse may have to make the...
What if I Want to Stay Married?
Going through a divorce that you don’t want is especially difficult. The news can be shocking and emotionally devastating. It is crucial for you to not simply stand by during this time of pain. A divorce lawyer can help you understand your legal situation and choose...
Is Your Spouse Spying on You?
There’s no denying that we live in an increasingly high-tech, digital world. Our phones are “smart”, our televisions are “smart” – even our homes are “smart”. In many ways, technological evolution has proven to be wonderful, making communication easier, and making...
A Guide to Divorce for LGBTQ Couples in North Carolina
Without question, LGBTQ couples have fought long and hard to attain rights that many have long taken for granted. LGBTQ couples in North Carolina officially won the right to marry under the case of General Synod of United Church of Christ v. Cooper, which was followed...
Finding a Job After Your Divorce
Going through the divorce process can be overwhelming, even in the best of circumstances. It is emotional, and time-consuming, and understandably includes all of the stress that would be expected when moving from one home, and one shared life, to two. As if this...
Divorce After 50 – How Is It Different?
When you are younger and are going through a divorce, though you may be hurt mentally, physically, and emotionally, most people can attest to being told by friends and family that they have their whole life to look forward to and that this divorce is not the end of...
Four Steps to Coping with Divorce Stress
Even though your marriage may be ending, life goes on. Without question divorce is stressful. Sometimes, in the midst of that stress, it can be overwhelming to realize that the day-to-day obligations of life don’t disappear or diminish. The unfortunate truth of the...
Catching a Cheating Spouse in North Carolina
Common Signs of Cheating One fundamental truth of human relationships is this – all of them have their ups and downs. This is true in even the healthiest of marriages. Sometimes, one spouse is simply having a bad week, or a bad month. All of us do – it’s just human...
Can I Move Before Modifying Child Custody?
Let’s face it: not everyone stays in the same place indefinitely. Depending on your life and circumstances, you may decide to move due to a change of job, to be closer to family, or even for better living standards. As if relocating isn’t an overwhelming process,...
Moving Forward – Now What?
Change is never easy, however, change is inevitable and it is important that when change occurs that can affect not only your life, but your children lives and lives of other people, it is important to make the best decisions possible. In the case of child custody and...
The Secrets to a Successful Mediation
For those who are contemplating divorce, or who find themselves in the midst of a divorce, it may seem as if countless issues need to be resolved. It can, at least initially, feel overwhelming, and depending upon the state of your relationship when you decided to...
Deciding Against Divorce
Your Guide to Voluntary Dismissal When You’ve Had a Change of Heart Most couples who decide to divorce don't reach the decision easily – or take it lightly. It's typically a decision arrived at when no other solution to the difficulties in the marriage has worked....
Calculating Child Support if You’re Self-Employed
Divorce is difficult. There’s no secret about it – and there’s no way around it. Even in the best of circumstances, it’s an emotionally stressful time – and often some of the most emotional issues involve those pertaining to children. It only makes sense. Most parents...
How to be Happy Again After a Divorce
There are few times in life that are more emotionally stressful than a divorce. Regardless of whether the decision was made together or not, and even despite the belief that it might be for the best in the long run, it’s still very painful for everyone involved. After...
Financial Tips for a Smarter Divorce
If you are in the midst of a divorce, or if you are contemplating a divorce, you are probably aware that this process means far more than simply the legal dissolution of your marriage. It also means choosing to enter into the complex and often difficult process of...
How Divorce Can Impact Your Taxes
Taxes. Most of us don’t love thinking about them, and most of us would certainly agree that in many respects, tax time is a headache. This is true almost every year, but in some years, it is more true than others. If you are in the midst of or have recently finalized...
Social Media Advice During Divorce
It’s no secret that we live in a world that is perhaps more digitally connected today than ever before. In fact, social media seems to be everywhere, and its impact on day-to-day life is almost impossible to ignore. A quick look at the statistics surrounding the use...
Reinventing Your Space After a Divorce
The truth about divorce is this – it’s painful. This is true whether you have been married for a few years or for 30 years, whether you wanted the divorce or whether you didn’t, whether you reached the decision mutually thinking it was for the best, or whether you...
Technology Advice When Going Through a Divorce
Without question, we live in a highly advanced technological age. In fact, it seems almost that day-to-day and minute-to-minute, technology is advancing, changing, and evolving. Increasingly, it plays a role in almost every aspect of life in most first-world countries...
Tips for Connecting with Your Children Over Long Distance After a Divorce
There is no bond quite like the bond that children have with their parents - there are really no words that can adequately describe it. It only makes sense then, that one of the issues that parents worry about more than any other as they are contemplating or going...
Tips for a More Peaceful Divorce
The truth about divorce, no matter who you are, and no matter what your circumstances, is that it isn’t easy. This is true even in the most ideal of circumstances-even when a couple agrees that divorce is the best path forward for their family. The reality is that any...
Tips for Helping Your Children Through Your Divorce
As anyone who is a parent knows well, there is no joy quite like the joy that your children can bring to your life. On the flip side of that coin, there’s often no stress and worry like the stress and worry parents feel over the well-being of their children. This is...
Tips for Dating After Divorce
Understandably, divorce can cause people to rethink everything they knew about love. After all, most people enter into their marriages assuming that it will be forever – assuming they have found the one person they will spend the rest of their days with. When that...
Tips for Dealing with Divorce Grief
When most of us make the decision to say, “I do,” we believe that our marriages will last – if not, we likely wouldn’t have walked down the aisle in the first place. Unfortunately, however, the reality is that many marriages do end in divorce. Circumstances change,...
Tips for Successful Co-Parenting After Divorce
One universal truth about parenting is this: It is challenging. It is also wonderful, and life-changing, and full of moments of pure joy – but it isn’t easy. This is true even in the most ideal of circumstances – when parents are on the same page, and living under...
Tips for Helping Your Teen Post-Divorce
As anyone who has been through adolescence knows well, it isn’t the easiest time in life – for teenagers, or for their parents. It’s a time of significant change and transition for everyone. As teenagers go through these changes and begin moving toward independence...
Tips if You are Divorcing a Narcissist
According to ancient Greek mythology, a young man named Narcissus fell deeply in love with his own image reflected in a pool of water. Because of his tremendous and all-encompassing obsession with himself, he was unable to truly love others, or to receive love from...
Grandparent Custody Issues in North Carolina
Without question, divorce can be difficult in any number of ways, and during the divorce process, emotions run high. Perhaps in no circumstance, however, is divorce more difficult, or more emotional than when it comes to resolving issues of child custody. Most...
Spying on Your Spouse in North Carolina : What You Need to Know
Without question, we live in an advanced digital age. Our world is a world full of “smart” technology – smart phones, cars, televisions – even smart homes. In many ways, this is a wonderful thing. We are more connected than ever before, and we can obtain our news...
If I Need to Relocate, How Do I Change a Court Ordered Custody Arrangement?
Relocating when having a child involved can be as easy or as hard as you and the other parent make it. And though a child custody order may be deemed as a challenge when relocating, it can actually be helpful to your situation and your child to have a sense of...
Staying Away From Spousal Spying – A Look at the ECPA
Suspicion is a powerful emotion – particularly when we feel suspicious of someone we love. While most of us never want to find ourselves in a place where we legitimately feel suspicious of our own spouse, the truth of the matter is that in many marriages, this does...
Is Your Spouse Cheating? The Safe Way to Investigate Your Suspicions
Certainly, when two people decide to get married, neither one ever wants to imagine that the other might be unfaithful. In the beginning of a marriage, this is often the furthest thing from either spouse’s mind. Unfortunately, however, at times, relationships do...
Divorce and Child Abuse – What You Need to Know
Divorce is a difficult process, even in the best of circumstances. That’s simply the reality of the situation, even when couples are both on the same page and feel it is the best decision – even when they are committed to working cooperatively together to make the...
Legal Separation in North Carolina
When Are We Legally Separated? Without question, divorce is a complex and often confusing process. In truth, however, beyond the process itself being confusing, what is actually required as couples lead up to and prepare for beginning that process can be confusing as...
Separation agreement anxiety – and how to avoid it
As anyone who has been divorced before knows well, divorce is far more than a piece of paper dissolving a marriage. It is a process. And like any process, it has a number of steps – the first of which is separation. In North Carolina, before parties can officially...
How Do I Get My Separation Agreement Signed?
Sometimes, the traditional image that people have when they envision the divorce process is two people battling it out in a courtroom - two adversaries fighting over their issues, each determined to prevail over the other, and to win at any cost. In fact, for most...
Divorce Procedure and the Actual Divorce
In the strictest legal sense of the word, a “divorce” is the decree that is entered by the court officially dissolving the marriage of two people. In reality though, most people who have been through a divorce can tell you that it entails far more than the piece of...
How Do I Serve a Divorce Complaint on My Spouse?
This may seem, on its surface, as if it is a simple question, but the truth of the matter is that there are no “simple” or “silly” questions when it comes to your divorce. As they say, knowledge is power, and being informed about your case and about the necessary...
NC Divorce Tips – 5 Things to Do Before You Divorce
Divorce is difficult. Trying to prepare for divorce is difficult. Living with the divorce at the beginning can also be difficult and at first glance, all of the above, can seem confusing. However, the confusion can be lessened by understanding what divorce is as well...
Do I Need an Attorney to Obtain an Absolute Divorce?
In North Carolina, there are two ways to obtain an “absolute” divorce. The first, is for the couple intending to divorce to live separate and apart for one year – that is being physically separated and not living together for at least a year and a day with the intent...
Managing Money While Getting a Divorce
It is important to create a budget that allows you take into account the extra cost of divorce.
Finding a new Home During a Divorce
At some point in the divorce proceedings, either you or your spouse will have to move out of the marital home. It may even be that both of you have to find a new place to live.
Should you have a secret stash of cash?
Having funds only you can access could provide a safety net and protect you from situations like spousal starving, where one spouse completely cuts off another.
Should You Wiretap your spouse’s Phone?
When you are thinking about wiretapping a phone, can what you learn be used as evidence?
How to Divorce an Abusive Spouse
It may be a hard and scary process, but the legal system is here to help you handle ending an abusive relationship.
What is a Divorce from Bed and Board?
Unlike an absolute divorce, a divorce from bed and board does not completely end a marriage, but it does affect each party’s rights with regard to each other and each other’s estate.
Legal separation and divorce in North Carolina
In North Carolina, ending a marriage is usually a two-step process. Once you understand what you are getting into, you will be better able to handle the anxiety you may feel.
What does a separation agreement do?
A separation agreement is used to specify what the parties agree to in regard to things like property division, alimony, child custody and support.
Preparing yourself for the divorce process
Every situation, every couple, and every divorce is different. Being better prepared for your individual situation will make the process much easier.
What if only one spouse wants a divorce?
Contesting an absolute divorce in North Carolina can be very difficult.
How can my separation agreement be enforced?
A separation agreement will be enforced differently depending on whether it has become part of a court order. A separation agreement that isn’t part of a court order is treated like any other contract made between parties.
How can sex addiction impact a divorce?
Sex addiction can be an extremely uncomfortable topic for spouses. However, it can impact your situation in many ways.
Should I Hire a Private Investigator?
Private Investigators can enhance your case by revealing some of the most intimate moments that are discreetly being hidden by the other party.