Is college tuition included in child support?

While most, if not all, parents plan for their children’s future, parents who divorce are required to plan at an accelerated rate. Planning week-by-week schedules for the children, visitation, and the like, becomes common-place in order to serve the needs of the...

North Carolina Child Support Guidelines

North Carolina General Statute  50-13.4 requires the Conference of Chief District Judges to create uniform guidelines for determining a parent’s child support obligations, and must review such guidelines periodically (at least every four years) to determine whether...

Can child support cover private school tuition?

How are costs associated with a child’s private school tuition calculated as it relates to child support in North Carolina? In North Carolina, child support obligations are set by the state child support guidelines. Typically, the support guidelines do not include...

Can I get attorney’s fees for child support hearings?

Listen to this Article by Dustin McCrary Playback Speed: 0.5x 1.0x (Normal) 1.5x 2.0x Divorce is a difficult process, both emotionally and financially, for the...

Can I Change My Child Support Agreement?

A separation agreement can only be modified with the consent of all parties if it has not become part of a court order. Consent by the parties can be made “in advance” by including a provision in the agreement allowing changes in specific situations. If the parties...