How Is Child Support Calculated When A Parent Is Self-Employed?

Of all the issues a couple might confront during a divorce, issues involving children are often the most important. Certainly, parents want to do all that they can to support their children and help them move through the divorce process with as little stress as possible, and onto a better and brighter chapter ahead.

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Child Support in North Carolina

What You Need to Know About Child Support in North Carolina Under North Carolina law, both parents certainly have the responsibility of providing support for their minor children in any number of ways – emotionally, physically, and financially.  For the most part,...

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Introduction to Calculating Child Support in North Carolina

Most parents love their children and want what’s best for them. For many parents, the role of mom or dad is the most important job they’ll ever have, and the one they care about most. As a result, it’s understandable that when going through a divorce, most parents...

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How Do I Get Child Support in North Carolina?

There are few issues more important to most couples in the divorce process than those involving their children. Issues of child custody are usually first and foremost in the minds of most parents – and of course, that includes child support. What is child support? In...

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Modifying Child Support in North Carolina

While all of us are very different, one thing that most of can agree upon is that more than almost anything, we love our children and want to provide for them.  While North Carolina law does, of course, place the responsibility on parents to provide for their...

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What is a Qualified Medical Child Support Order?

At the Law Office of Dustin S. McCrary, family law is our passion.  We spend each and every day working with families, and have the opportunity to see how much parents love their children on a daily basis.  Without question, most parents want to support their children...

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Extraordinary Expenses Beyond Child Support – Who Pays?

Without question, the majority of parents what the best for their children, and without question, most parents do their best each day to provide their children with what they need – not only healthy food, and medical treatment, and the necessities of everyday life,...

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Calculating Child Support if You’re Self-Employed

Divorce is difficult. There’s no secret about it – and there’s no way around it. Even in the best of circumstances, it’s an emotionally stressful time – and often some of the most emotional issues involve those pertaining to children. It only makes sense. Most parents...

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What Happens if My Spouse Fails to Pay Child Support?

Divorce is difficult enough even when it goes as smoothly as it possibly can.  Even when spouses are able to get along well with one another and cooperate toward resolution of their issues, it is still a process that involves some amount of emotional and financial...

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Grandparent Child Support

When most of us think of child support, we think of one parent paying support to the other for the children of their marriage following a divorce.  And, in most situations, this is in fact the case.  After all, parents have a legal duty to financially support their...

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North Carolina Child Support Guidelines

The court must use the North Carolina guidelines when it enters a temporary or permanent child support order. However, it may deviate from those guidelines in certain situations.

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