Financial Planning for Divorce: A Comprehensive Guide

Making ends meet can be challenging for families, and financial planning for divorce can add another layer of complexity. Inflation and rising living costs exacerbate these challenges, particularly for families with children. Quality childcare is expensive and...

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11 Common Financial Mistakes Made in Divorces

You and your ex likely shared finances and budgeted together during your marriage. These practices make sense in a marriage but require careful reevaluation during a divorce. Divorce necessitates a detailed review of your income, expenses, and assets to make crucial...

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The Most Common Financial Mistakes Made During A Divorce

During most marriages, the finances of most couples become intertwined. It's normal to combine funds, share accounts, and budget together. These are normal and advisable practices during a marriage, but financial issues can often become complex during a divorce....

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How Does Social Security Impact Divorced Retirement Income?

For many people, Social Security benefits are an essential source of income following retirement. This is true regardless of whether you’re married, single, widowed, or divorced. As with any legal matter, the law surrounding Social Security benefits can be complicated...

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Alimony And Spousal Support In North Carolina

Most people realize that following a divorce, both spouses will continue to have an obligation to support and care for the children – but what about caring for and supporting your ex-spouse? Spousal support, also known as alimony, is one of many issues that couples...

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Cryptocurrency and Divorce

Many difficult issues can arise in a divorce – and issues regarding how to divide the property you've accumulated during your marriage are certainly among them. This is true concerning all types of property – cars, real estate, family heirlooms – and it can be...

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Pet Custody

While you may pick a pet out and purchase it just like many other things you own, anyone who has a pet knows well that a pet is more than simply something you own. Without question, pets are valuable and important members of the family. They are loved, and truly add...

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Dividing Investment Accounts in a North Carolina Divorce

Throughout a marriage, particularly if it has been a marriage of significant length, a couple will often accumulate a significant amount of property. Of course, as part of the divorce process, that property must be divided – and figuring out exactly how that will...

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How a Prenup Can Protect You During Divorce

When most people walk down the aisle, they truly believe they’re making a lifetime commitment. Especially in the early stages of a relationship, it can seem as if love will, indeed, last forever. Sometimes, that ends up being the case. In other cases, however, things...

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Here’s What You Need to Know About Business Valuation

No matter what, even in the best of circumstances, divorce isn’t easy. Ending one chapter of your life, especially a chapter as significant as a marriage, and beginning a new one is bound to have its share of stress and difficulty. This can be even more true if there...

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Can I Have Alimony be Reduced Due to Financial Difficulty?

If you have been divorced and are obligated to pay alimony, can that payment amount be reduced due to financial difficulty? The short answer is yes – if an appropriate motion is made, and a substantial change in circumstances is shown. Let’s take a closer look...

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Dividing Stock Options in a Divorce

Divorce. In any number of ways, it can be difficult – both emotionally, and practically. That's simply the nature of the process. Deciding to divorce is emotionally difficult – and addressing all of the issues that come after can seem like a complicated, and even...

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Reducing Alimony Obligations Due to Business Downturn

Owning a business can be a very worthwhile and rewarding experience in many ways. You get to bring your dreams to life. You get to be your own boss. You have the chance to build something from the ground up, something that may bring financial rewards, personal...

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How Do We Divide Property in a Divorce?

Deciding to divorce is only the first step in a lengthy process – one in which couples will find themselves confronting many issues, and asking many questions. One of the most common is – when it comes to dividing up our property, who gets what? It's a good question...

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Protecting Your Business During Divorce in North Carolina

Deciding to get divorced is difficult. There's no question about it. Even when you know the decision is for the best, it's not easy – and making that initial decision is only the first step in a series of difficult decisions you'll have to make. While this is true for...

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What Gets Taxed in a North Carolina Divorce?

Even under the best of circumstances, most of us don’t relish the idea of paying taxes. This can be particularly true in difficult times. Facing a divorce and worrying about how your divorce might affect you from a tax perspective is doubly unpleasant. It’s an...

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Dividing Retirement in a North Carolina Divorce

Many couples have spent most of their married lives – often decades – saving for retirement. If a couple decides to divorce after many years of marriage, these retirement accounts are an important issue in the divorce. Most couples want to know – how do we divide our...

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Alimony in North Carolina

Who’s Entitled to It – and Why? Alimony. Also known as spousal support, many people who are contemplating divorce are familiar with the term – and many know that alimony is support paid from one spouse to the other in the event of a divorce. What fewer people...

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Common Financial Mistakes to Avoid During the Divorce Process

When couples contemplate the divorce process, without question, there are many issues that may seem intimidating to tackle. Certainly, highest among them are issues involving children, if the divorcing couple has them. But following closely behind are many issues...

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What is the Impact of the 2018 Tax Code Changes?

Changes are inevitable. This includes tax changes. When a tax change occurs someone will be affected, but the question is, is that someone you? Based on the 2018 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), those who make alimony payments may find themselves affected by this tax...

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Bitcoin and Divorce

It seems like almost every day something new is being discovered. From social media outlets to cryptocurrencies, our world is changing right before our eyes. But when our world changes with these new technological advances, so does our lives and as it pertains to...

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Why You Shouldn’t Divorce Before Property is Settled

You’ve been separated for one year and a day….check. You’ve decided to go through with the divorce….check. You’ve hired a divorce attorney…check. You’ve decided to divide your marital property….check. Now what? Though you may think that all of your I’s have been...

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Finding Hidden Assets During Divorce

When you are going through a divorce, your emotions can range from sadness to anger to frustration and confusion. Depending on the role you played in your spouse’s life, as a supportive spouse, you may want to be compensated for everything you put into the marriage as...

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How to Understand a Business Valuation in Your Divorce

It is not uncommon, these days, for people to own their own business. Whether a small mom and pop shop or a large law practice, people are choosing to own their own business as opposed to working for other people. Some of these businesses can be the main source of...

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Who Gets the Wedding Ring?

There are many questions that arise during the divorce process. Who gets the house? Who will have primary custody of the children?  Who will pay support, and alimony, and how much? And among these questions, one of the most commonly asked, but one which people...

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Common Financial Mistakes Made During Divorce

The decision to get married is, in so many ways a decision to make two lives one – and finances are no exception to this rule.  More often than not, married couples combine their debts, assets, and bank accounts, and budget together.  This is understandable, and is...

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Protecting Your Professional Practice During Divorce

If you're a professional with your own practice – whether as a partner, a shareholder, or owner of a private practice – chances are that you've taken the necessary and essential steps to set the practice up in the most advantageous way, and in a way that will ideally...

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Special Divorce Concerns for Couples with High Net Worth

Just as every person is different, so too, is every married couple – and every marriage. It only stands to reason, then, that every divorce is going to be different too. While all divorces may have some of the same legal elements, and while divorcing couples may face...

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Financial Tips for a Smarter Divorce

If you are in the midst of a divorce, or if you are contemplating a divorce, you are probably aware that this process means far more than simply the legal dissolution of your marriage. It also means choosing to enter into the complex and often difficult process of...

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How Divorce Can Impact Your Taxes

Taxes. Most of us don’t love thinking about them, and most of us would certainly agree that in many respects, tax time is a headache. This is true almost every year, but in some years, it is more true than others. If you are in the midst of or have recently finalized...

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Tips for Managing Your Investments Through Divorce

While the vast majority of people enter into their marriages hoping that they’ll last forever, sometimes this simply isn’t the case. Whether you are contemplating a divorce, or whether you find yourself in the midst of one, there are certain important steps you should...

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How property is divided in North Carolina

Not every couple is able to agree to a property settlement and may find it necessary to have the court distribute their property. The process of property distribution by the court is called equitable distribution.

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Entrepreneurship and Equitable Distribution

The legal term for dividing a couple’s assets and debts is called equitable distribution. A four-step process is used to determine how to divide property in North Carolina: Identification, Classification, Valuation and Distribution.

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An Overview of Alimony Requirements

North Carolina General Statute 50-16.3 explains who is entitled to alimony and how the courts make decisions regarding alimony. This statute will help you understand your rights and what the court is looking for.

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Sexless Marriages and Divorce

The absence of sex in a marriage can be important for establishing fault in other circumstances, such as awarding post-separation support, awarding alimony, and obtaining a divorce from bed and board.

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