Selling Your Home During a Divorce

Many people consider selling their home while they are getting a divorce. If everyone agrees after discussing it with your ex and attorney, it could facilitate a more simple divorce. However, there is no guarantee that the selling process will go quickly. Real estate...

My Ex is Spoiling My Child

If you share custody with your ex-spouse, the dynamics can be difficult for raising and disciplining your children. In an ideal world, you and your ex would have the same standards and rules when it comes to parenting. However, even when the custody agreement was...

Managing Money While Getting a Divorce

A divorce inevitably impacts most areas of your life. Unfortunately, one area it affects is your financial situation. Not only are you and your ex not sharing resources, but each of you has to pay for separate living situations. And usually it doesn’t end there; the...

Telling Your Spouse You Want a Divorce

So you’ve decided it’s time to pursue a divorce. You’ve probably researched your options online; you may have even consulted a divorce attorney. You are ready to take the plunge, but there is a big task in your way:  you have to inform your spouse. Depending on the...

Five Steps to Coping with Divorce Stress

Even though your marriage may be ending, life goes on.  Without question divorce is stressful.  Sometimes, in the midst of that stress, it can be overwhelming to realize that the day-to-day obligations of life don’t disappear or diminish. The unfortunate truth of the...