by Access | Oct 27, 2020 | Absolute Divorce, Divorce
One universal truth about divorce is that it is rarely an entirely pleasant experience for anyone. Understandably, the end of a marriage and the prospect of beginning to transition from the life you shared together to a new journey on your own can be an emotional and...
by Access | Oct 27, 2020 | Divorce
When most people decide to marry, they expect that they will be with a lifelong partner for better or for worst. Unfortunately, sometimes the worst gets the best of marriages. If you have found yourself in this situation, you and your spouse may have to make the...
by Access | Oct 27, 2020 | Absolute Divorce, Divorce, Mediation
Going through a divorce that you don’t want is especially difficult. The news can be shocking and emotionally devastating. It is crucial for you to not simply stand by during this time of pain. A divorce lawyer can help you understand your legal situation and choose...
by Access | Oct 27, 2020 | Divorce, Spousal Spying
There’s no denying that we live in an increasingly high-tech, digital world. Our phones are “smart”, our televisions are “smart” – even our homes are “smart”. In many ways, technological evolution has proven to be wonderful, making communication easier, and making...
by Access | Oct 27, 2020 | Absolute Divorce, Divorce
Without question, LGBTQ couples have fought long and hard to attain rights that many have long taken for granted. LGBTQ couples in North Carolina officially won the right to marry under the case of General Synod of United Church of Christ v. Cooper, which was followed...
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