Helpful Information for Navigating Your Divorce
Divorce is never easy, but with our help, you can expect a brighter, more hopeful future.
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Supporting and Empowering Male Victims of Domestic Violence
Domestic violence, or intimate partner violence, occurs when an imbalance of power or control is present in a close relationship. It manifests in various forms: emotional abuse, sexual abuse, physical abuse, stalking, or threats of these actions. Abusive behaviors...
How to Tell Your Husband You Want a Divorce
How do you tell your spouse that you want a divorce? This is a question that we hear often – and that’s understandable. Even if you have reached the point in your marriage where you believe that divorce is the best option, this is still a difficult, uncomfortable,...
Mothers’ Rights in Custody Cases: What to Know When You’re Separating
There is a lot of misinformation about child custody, particularly regarding mothers' rights. You may have heard that only mothers have custody rights in North Carolina or are consistently awarded superior rights over fathers. We have provided accurate information...
What If My Child Doesn’t Want to Spend Time With Their Other Parent?
Divorce can be harsh on children. Adjusting to a new routine as parents separate can raise many issues for the children involved. Once a custody and visitation schedule is established, ideally, parents and children can develop a new routine. However, raising...
Spy Gear: What is Your Partner Using to Monitor You?
Privacy is a significant concern in today’s society. Worries about hacking and privacy violations have increased with every new gadget, household item, or toy equipped with “smart” technology. Data breaches at major companies highlight the vulnerabilities of online...
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We help you navigate the legal and emotional impacts of divorce.