Helpful Information for Navigating Your Divorce

Divorce is never easy, but with our help, you can expect a brighter, more hopeful future.

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Can You Divorce Without Splitting Assets?

Without question, divorce is a life-changing decision. It is also a decision that requires couples to confront many complex issues, including the division of their property. Depending on how long a couple has been married, they may have accumulated many assets, not...

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Who Gets the House in a Divorce?

Property division is an issue that almost every couple will face during their divorce. Not all couples will have children. Not all couples have pets. Not all spouses necessarily want or need alimony. However, almost all couples will have some property that must be...

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Who Claims the Children on Taxes with 50-50 Custody?

Claiming one or more dependents on your tax return can yield significant benefits. However, sharing equal custody of your children with someone else may complicate your tax situation. Fortunately, the IRS has specific rules in the tax code to determine which parent...

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Why No-fualt Divorce is Bad

When you file for a divorce, you must indicate why the marriage is ending on your divorce petition. You might often hear this referred to as the “grounds” for the divorce. Many people have heard the terms “no-fault divorce” and “fault-based” divorce but aren't sure...

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What Not to Say in a Child Custody Mediation

Often, people going through a divorce involving children eventually find themselves participating in a child custody mediation. This may sound intimidating – and that's understandable. The good news is that mediation can often be very successful in helping parties...

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