There is a lot of misinformation about child custody, particularly regarding mothers' rights. You may have heard that only mothers have custody rights in North Carolina or are consistently awarded superior rights over fathers. We have provided accurate information on...
Child Custody
What If My Child Doesn’t Want to Spend Time With Their Other Parent?
Divorce can be harsh on children. Adjusting to a new routine as parents separate can raise many issues for the children involved. Once a custody and visitation schedule is established, ideally, parents and children can develop a new routine. However, raising children...
What Not to Say in a Child Custody Mediation
Often, people going through a divorce involving children eventually find themselves participating in a child custody mediation. This may sound intimidating – and that's understandable. The good news is that mediation can often be very successful in helping parties...
What Are Family Consent Orders?
Navigating child custody during divorce can be complex. Discover the benefits of a consent order and why it might be the right choice for you. Learn how to secure a fair custody agreement with the guidance of experienced attorneys. Trust The Law Office of Dustin McCrary to support you through every step of your divorce journey.
What Custody Rights Do Mothers Have In North Carolina?
There are plenty of rumors that circulate about child custody cases. Some people have heard that mothers have superior custody rights. Others have heard that fathers are always required to pay child support because mothers will always have primary custody. There can...
What Custody Rights Do Fathers Have In North Carolina?
For most families going through the divorce process, there’s no issue more important than custody. The parent-child relationship is so important that North Carolina, like many states, has laws that protect that special relationship and seek to ensure that each parent...
Your Comprehensive Guide To Child Custody In North Carolina
Statistics indicate that around 40% of children in the United States are raised in a single-parent home, or divide their time between two parents, or other family members. This is no small number. Divorce isn't an easy process for anyone, and often, especially for...
A Look At Common Custody Schedules In North Carolina
Creating and implementing a custody schedule is not necessarily an easy task. Nevertheless, it is one of the matters that couples confront during a divorce that is often most important to them. Most parents love their children tremendously. This means that both during...
Step-Mom v. Step-Dad – Co-Parenting with Your Ex’s New Spouse
Divorce means the end of a marriage, that's true. After a divorce, you'll no longer be husband and wife – but if you have children together, you'll always be mom and dad. That means that you'll be co-parenting together, even after your divorce is finalized and life...
Managing Custody with an Out-of-State Parent
Divorce isn’t easy. There’s no doubt about that. There’s also no question that of all the issues that a couple confronts during the divorce process, child custody is by far one of the most emotionally difficult and complex. This can be even more true when one parent...
Handling Child Custody Issues in North Carolina
Without question, child custody issues can be some of the most complicated and emotionally charged issues that any couple will face during a divorce. This only makes sense. For most parents, there is nothing more important in their lives than their children, and it is...
What is a Qualified Medical Child Support Order?
At the Law Office of Dustin S. McCrary, family law is our passion. We spend each and every day working with families, and have the opportunity to see how much parents love their children on a daily basis. Without question, most parents want to support their children...
The Holidays and Your Children
School days are upon us and everyone knows that as soon as school starts up all of the holidays begin. From Labor Day, to Christmas, every month throughout the rest of the year includes a holiday that most kids are out of school for and is with one parent or the...
What is a Parenting Coordinator?
If nothing else, we love our children and will typically do anything for them. That includes, working with a co-parent that can be absolutely difficult to deal with. However, for the best interest of your child, it is important to understand the other parents needs...
Child Custody Consent Orders
Without question, the issue of child custody is often one of the most emotional issues that parents will have to face and resolve during the divorce process. Without question, most parents love their children and want the best for them. Determining exactly what that...
If I have joint custody, do I still have to pay child support?
The short answer is, yes. Although you may have joint custody of your child, child support is an obligation that one parent will inevitably have to pay, specifically so, if one parent makes a higher income than the other or if the child is one with one parent more...
How Can I Obtain Evidence in Another State to Present in Court?
When you are looking to relocate and you have a child custody arrangement in place, it is important that you modify the child custody order before moving. The judge will determine whether the relocation is in the best interest of the children and if you have reviewed...
How Do I Modify My Custody Order?
Though there are some people who hold on to their homes forever, in today’s times, and with the rapid changes of society, forever homes do not always exist. Perhaps you find another job in another location, or realize that you need to down size your home based on your...
Can I Move Before Modifying Child Custody?
Let’s face it: not everyone stays in the same place indefinitely. Depending on your life and circumstances, you may decide to move due to a change of job, to be closer to family, or even for better living standards. As if relocating isn’t an overwhelming process,...
Moving Forward – Now What?
Change is never easy, however, change is inevitable and it is important that when change occurs that can affect not only your life, but your children lives and lives of other people, it is important to make the best decisions possible. In the case of child custody and...
How Can I Co-Parent When My Kids Live in Another State
When you have a parent that is relocating with your children, you may seem lost. The fear that comes with long distance co-parenting can be overwhelming and as if it isn’t hard enough to co-parent when a child lives relatively close, it is so much harder when your...
How Much is a Relocating Case Going to Cost Me?
It is a known fact that hiring an attorney to help with your legal needs can be a costly matter depending on what you are hoping to achieve. It is also a known fact that you get what you pay for and good attorneys are not cheap. When it comes to child custody matters,...
If I Need to Relocate, What Do I Do to Change the Custody Arrangement in a Separation Agreement?
As if relocating isn’t stressful enough, the task can become even more overwhelming when you have a custody arrangement in place. Choosing where to relocate based on a separation agreement can be a daunting task. That is why, in these circumstances, you should seek...
Moving Out of State with Your Children
Divorce is certainly an important and significant life change. Often, however, the divorce itself isn’t the only change. A divorce can be one big change that leads to many others, one of which can be relocation. Often, for any number of reasons following a divorce,...
Moving Far Away From Safety
There are several reasons why a parent can decide to relocate. Though most of these reasons can result around positive changes, such as a new job, a new relationship, as well as being closer to family. However, there are times when a parent will decide to relocate due...
Moving Without the Children: When It’s That Important
Whether you are a mother or a father, not having your children around every day can be overwhelming especially when you are used to seeing their smiling faces. To make matters worse, sometimes life happens at the speed of lightening that make you have to change your...
Relocation for Marriage or Remarriage
Happily ever after does not just happen to Cinderella. Happily ever after can happen to anyone, even more than once. However, when that happily ever after forces you to relocate and you have a child custody order in place then that happily ever after can soon turn...
Relocation for Better Educational Opportunities for Parents
As a nation, we have all been told over and over again, how important obtaining a good education is to your well-being and that it is in most people’s best interest to seek an education, regardless of your age, but when you add in child custody arrangements, the...
Relocation for Better Job Opportunities
If you are like most people, you want the best opportunities possible and like most people this usually resonates in the job realm. Whether it is to receive a higher pay, better, more flexible hours or just more recognition, everyone, at some point, will search for a...
What Can I Do if My Ex Wants to Move with My Kids?
Some changes are harder than others. These changes can come in the form of trying to eat better to become a healthier you, stopping smoking, and in some cases, losing a family you thought you would always have due to divorce or breakup. However, when you add the...
Relocation: What Do I Do First?
Imagine: You’ve been given a job promotion that could substantially change the life of you and your children. The only problem is, you would have to relocate to another state in order for this promotion to be effective. That wouldn’t pose much of a problem if you...
What Can I Expect for a Child Custody Schedule if I Become a Long Distance Parent?
Long distance relationships are hard. However, once that relationship is over and a child is involved it can become even more difficult to become a long distance parent. Though difficult, it is not impossible. There are ways that you can still keep a child custody...
What is a Judge Looking for in a Modification and Relocation Hearing?
As a parent, when you are seeking a child custody order modification due to you wanting to relocate, can seem like a big, scary experience. You may not know what to expect nor understand the different ways to make your case seem more favorable and this, alone, can...
Relocation to Be Closer to Family
When you are going through a separation or a divorce, you may feel, not only overwhelmed, but completely alone. If you have kids then you may be trying to determine what will happen with them, will you be able to support them on your own or, maybe, will they feel like...
Who Has Jurisdiction in Child Custody Matters?
You and your child’s parent has decided to go your separate ways and now you are contemplating filing a child custody action. Now what? After you have decided to file a child custody action, you must file a petition with the court. Once this petition is filed,...
Who Pays for Travel Expenses When a Parent Moves with a Child?
If you have a child custody order that has been modified due to one parent needing to relocate with the child, then you already know how difficult and frustrating it can be to not see your child as often as you are used to. If this relocation has your child in another...
Why We Wrote the Book on Relocation
Anyone who has lived with another and have children with that person can attest to parenting and sharing a child can be difficult. This is even more true when you have to share a child outside of the same household. Having to rely on another parent that you may not...
What Do I Do When My Ex Relocates with Our Children?
As a parent, you love your children, and you will do anything for them. In some cases, this includes dealing with a difficult co-parent. Though this can be difficult, you recognize that your child having both parents in his or her life is of the utmost importance....
Grandparent Custody Issues in North Carolina
Without question, divorce can be difficult in any number of ways, and during the divorce process, emotions run high. Perhaps in no circumstance, however, is divorce more difficult, or more emotional than when it comes to resolving issues of child custody. Most...
Reasons Judges Will Change Custody in North Carolina
Typically, during the divorce process, custody is one of the most emotional, difficult, and potentially contentious issues that parties will have to address. After all, most people consider their children to be the most important, valuable, indispensable part of...
If I Need to Relocate, How Do I Change a Court Ordered Custody Arrangement?
Relocating when having a child involved can be as easy or as hard as you and the other parent make it. And though a child custody order may be deemed as a challenge when relocating, it can actually be helpful to your situation and your child to have a sense of...
What Should I Know about Child Custody
Of all the issues that couples find themselves facing during a divorce, child custody is often the most emotional, and to the majority of couples, the most important. This is entirely understandable – after all, there is nothing more valuable or cherished in life than...
My Ex is Spoiling My Child
Even when a custody agreement is created in the most considerate and cordial circumstances, there are typically differences when it comes to parenting decisions.
When Can a Child Custody Order be Modified?
Even though your child custody order is marked as final, certain aspects of the order can possibly be changed.
Can my child have visitation over Skype?
With virtual visitation, parents and their children are able to have face-to-face time with each other using electronic equipment.
Can grandparents get visitation in North Carolina?
Under North Carolina Law, there are some circumstances where a grandparent would have standing to seek visitation rights with their grandchildren.
Do I need permission to move with my child?
Even if you have primary custody of your children, you may need approval from your ex or the court before moving.
Helping your child understand the divorce
Your child may also be suffering a loss and experiencing many emotions. A parent’s role is to teach them about love, commitment, and how to deal with change.
Is your ex turning your child against you?
When one parent purposefully poisons their child against the other parent, the term used is parental alienation.
What to do if your ex kidnaps your child
When your child is kidnapped by their other parent, there are different legal channels that you can go through for the return of your child.
International child abduction: Understanding the law
“The Hague Convention” handles international child abduction and sets standards that define, classify and detail true international child abduction.
Is your child at risk of international parental abduction?
Know the signs your child might be at risk of an international parental abduction, and the steps to take now to keep them safe.
How Does Child Custody Work in North Carolina?
When a judge in North Carolina is considering a child custody case, a number of factors will be considered. But the overwhelming standard the judge will weigh is what is in the best interest of the child.
How to be a better parent during a divorce
The following article will look at some common situations that divorcing parents encounter, pitfalls, and tips for reducing the negative impacts of the divorce on your children.
Will my child’s disability impact custody decisions?
Parenting a child with a disability while going through a divorce presents unique child custody considerations and situations where traditional custody arrangements might not be appropriate.
Vacations and other child custody travel issues
Divorced parents need to set clear agreements in writing concerning holidays, vacations and the many questions surrounding traveling with children that can arise.
Can grandparents and other non-parents seek child custody?
The majority of custody disputes involve parents. However, grandparents and other third parties may also have concerns about a couple’s children. In certain cases, the courts will recognize the rights of these third parties.
Overview of North Carolina custody agreements
How is sole or joint custody determined in North Carolina? And when is it necessary to go to court over child custody decisions?
How is child custody decided?
Whenever you are dealing with child custody, you need to consider a multitude of factors, including emotional, financial, and practical issues.
Can Children Pick Where They Want to Live?
The answer to if and when a child has a say in living arrangements depends on the condition of your family relationships and the degree of court or third-party involvement with your marital separation.
Do We Need a Parenting Coordinator?
Custody battles between parents can become aggressive and unfriendly. Ironically, the issues that cause the greatest amount of conflict in these cases often aren’t the big, life-changing issues, but rather the small ones. Parents are more likely to argue over issues like where they will meet to exchange the children rather than over important decisions like education or health.