If you are considering divorce, or are in the midst of the divorce process, you may feel overwhelmed. That’s completely normal. Any legal matter can be complex, and divorce often involves many issues that can be emotional and complicated in many ways. Sometimes,...
Absolute Divorce
Filing for Divorce in North Carolina
If you are considering a divorce, or if you have already made the decision to divorce and are wondering how to move forward, you might have many questions. That’s entirely understandable. Without a doubt, divorce can be a complex and often difficult process, as...
Conscious Uncoupling – Is it Right for You?
The ending of any marriage is painful. There’s no question about it. There can be a tendency to view the end of a marriage negatively – and that's understandable. On the other hand, however, the end of a marriage can also be a chance to look forward to new beginnings,...
Common Law Marriage and Divorce in North Carolina
Perhaps you and your partner have been together for a long time – maybe even many years. You’ve lived in the same house, shared the same bills, divided the chores – basically, you’ve lived life together, much as any legally married couple would. So you may find...
Introduction to North Carolina Divorce Laws
Legal matters can be complex – and divorce is no different. If you aren’t a trained legal professional, trying to sift through the laws and understand them can be confusing and frustrating, to say the very least. That confusion and frustration is very normal....
How a Prenup Can Protect You During Divorce
When most people walk down the aisle, they truly believe they’re making a lifetime commitment. Especially in the early stages of a relationship, it can seem as if love will, indeed, last forever. Sometimes, that ends up being the case. In other cases, however, things...
How Do I Get Divorced in North Carolina?
In North Carolina, you may often hear the term “absolute divorce.” Understandably, legal terms can be confusing – you may wonder, what is an absolute divorce? Is every divorce an absolute divorce? In North Carolina, the term “absolute” divorce simply means the...
North Carolina Divorce Laws: Frequently Asked Questions
As with many legal matters, divorce can be complicated, and it can be confusing. It is already an overwhelming experience for most people, simply from an emotional perspective – and additional stress caused by worry about the legal process itself can feel...
Reducing the Cost of Divorce
It’s no secret that divorce can be stressful. Without question, it’s one of the most significant and disruptive changes that many people will make in their lives. Even if it is ultimately for the best, it is certainly not without difficulty and frustration. Of course,...
Breaking Down the Cost of Divorce
Deciding to divorce is the beginning of a long, and often complex process. It's a process that will force you to address many issues and one that will cause you to ask many questions. One of the first questions you're understandably likely to ask is – how much will...
How to Choose a Divorce Attorney
Without question, making the decision to divorce is probably one of the most difficult decisions you'll ever have to make. The truth, though, is that deciding to divorce is only the first of many decisions you'll have to make throughout this process. One of the...
Starting the Divorce Process
A Few of the First Steps You Should Take At the beginning of a marriage, most people never expect to find themselves filing for divorce. It isn’t a pleasant prospect for most people – and it’s usually not a decision that’s reached easily. Once you’ve decided that...
What to Do Before Filing for Divorce
If you have reached the point in your marriage where you have decided you are ready for divorce, you may feel ready to move full steam ahead with getting the process started. This is understandable, as couples who decide to divorce typically do so after many months,...
Obtaining an Absolute Divorce in North Carolina
What You Need to Know Many have heard the term “absolute divorce” but aren’t certain what exactly it means in North Carolina – or how to go about obtaining one. If you’ve decided that divorce is the best option for your marriage, you’ll need to obtain an absolute...
Signs to Watch for If You Suspect That Your Ex May Be Turning Against You
It’s no secret that divorce is difficult, even in the very best of situations. Even in situations where both parties to the marriage agree that divorce is for the best, and are able to put their differences aside and work cooperatively toward resolution of the issues...
Can I Get a Jury Trial for My Divorce?
When you are going through a divorce, you want the most favorable results possible. You want to be compensated for the time you spent cleaning the home and taking care of the kids. You may want joint custody of the children, and you may even want the marital home....
Common Financial Mistakes to Avoid During the Divorce Process
When couples contemplate the divorce process, without question, there are many issues that may seem intimidating to tackle. Certainly, highest among them are issues involving children, if the divorcing couple has them. But following closely behind are many issues...
The Benefits of Collaborative Divorce
You may be at a point in your life where you are facing the prospect of divorce. The realization you’re your marriage is ending can often be overwhelming and stressful enough, and facing the prospect of a long drawn-out court battle over the issues that matter to you...
Preparing for Divorce : A Checklist
One universal truth about divorce is that it is rarely an entirely pleasant experience for anyone. Understandably, the end of a marriage and the prospect of beginning to transition from the life you shared together to a new journey on your own can be an emotional and...
Separation Agreement Anxiety
It’s bad enough you are going through a separation; however, now you are being told that a separation agreement is wanted as well. As if you are not already stressed about the separation and how to move forward in your life, you now have to speak with your spouse and...
What to Do When Your Ex Moves in with Their Significant Other
Not only are you dealing with the stress of a divorce proceeding, but also you are trying to find consistency in your changing new life. Your ex moving in with a new significant other is never easy, especially if it occurs before you are even divorced. You may feel...
Finding a Job After Your Divorce
Going through the divorce process can be overwhelming, even in the best of circumstances. It is emotional, and time-consuming, and understandably includes all of the stress that would be expected when moving from one home, and one shared life, to two. As if this...
Divorce After 50 – How Is It Different?
When you are younger and are going through a divorce, though you may be hurt mentally, physically, and emotionally, most people can attest to being told by friends and family that they have their whole life to look forward to and that this divorce is not the end of...
A Guide to Divorce for LGBTQ Couples in North Carolina
Without question, LGBTQ couples have fought long and hard to attain rights that many have long taken for granted. LGBTQ couples in North Carolina officially won the right to marry under the case of General Synod of United Church of Christ v. Cooper, which was followed...
What if I Want to Stay Married?
Going through a divorce that you don’t want is especially difficult. The news can be shocking and emotionally devastating. It is crucial for you to not simply stand by during this time of pain. A divorce lawyer can help you understand your legal situation and choose...
Four Steps to Coping with Divorce Stress
Even though your marriage may be ending, life goes on. Without question divorce is stressful. Sometimes, in the midst of that stress, it can be overwhelming to realize that the day-to-day obligations of life don’t disappear or diminish. The unfortunate truth of the...
How to be Happy Again After a Divorce
There are few times in life that are more emotionally stressful than a divorce. Regardless of whether the decision was made together or not, and even despite the belief that it might be for the best in the long run, it’s still very painful for everyone involved. After...
Deciding Against Divorce
Your Guide to Voluntary Dismissal When You’ve Had a Change of Heart Most couples who decide to divorce don't reach the decision easily – or take it lightly. It's typically a decision arrived at when no other solution to the difficulties in the marriage has worked....
Reinventing Your Space After a Divorce
The truth about divorce is this – it’s painful. This is true whether you have been married for a few years or for 30 years, whether you wanted the divorce or whether you didn’t, whether you reached the decision mutually thinking it was for the best, or whether you...
Social Media Advice During Divorce
It’s no secret that we live in a world that is perhaps more digitally connected today than ever before. In fact, social media seems to be everywhere, and its impact on day-to-day life is almost impossible to ignore. A quick look at the statistics surrounding the use...
Tips for Dealing with Divorce Grief
When most of us make the decision to say, “I do,” we believe that our marriages will last – if not, we likely wouldn’t have walked down the aisle in the first place. Unfortunately, however, the reality is that many marriages do end in divorce. Circumstances change,...
Tips if You are Divorcing a Narcissist
According to ancient Greek mythology, a young man named Narcissus fell deeply in love with his own image reflected in a pool of water. Because of his tremendous and all-encompassing obsession with himself, he was unable to truly love others, or to receive love from...
Tips for Dating After Divorce
Understandably, divorce can cause people to rethink everything they knew about love. After all, most people enter into their marriages assuming that it will be forever – assuming they have found the one person they will spend the rest of their days with. When that...
Tips for a More Peaceful Divorce
The truth about divorce, no matter who you are, and no matter what your circumstances, is that it isn’t easy. This is true even in the most ideal of circumstances-even when a couple agrees that divorce is the best path forward for their family. The reality is that any...
Divorce and Child Abuse – What You Need to Know
Divorce is a difficult process, even in the best of circumstances. That’s simply the reality of the situation, even when couples are both on the same page and feel it is the best decision – even when they are committed to working cooperatively together to make the...
Legal Separation in North Carolina
When Are We Legally Separated? Without question, divorce is a complex and often confusing process. In truth, however, beyond the process itself being confusing, what is actually required as couples lead up to and prepare for beginning that process can be confusing as...
Separation agreement anxiety – and how to avoid it
As anyone who has been divorced before knows well, divorce is far more than a piece of paper dissolving a marriage. It is a process. And like any process, it has a number of steps – the first of which is separation. In North Carolina, before parties can officially...
How Do I Get My Separation Agreement Signed?
Sometimes, the traditional image that people have when they envision the divorce process is two people battling it out in a courtroom - two adversaries fighting over their issues, each determined to prevail over the other, and to win at any cost. In fact, for most...
Divorce Procedure and the Actual Divorce
In the strictest legal sense of the word, a “divorce” is the decree that is entered by the court officially dissolving the marriage of two people. In reality though, most people who have been through a divorce can tell you that it entails far more than the piece of...
How Do I Serve a Divorce Complaint on My Spouse?
This may seem, on its surface, as if it is a simple question, but the truth of the matter is that there are no “simple” or “silly” questions when it comes to your divorce. As they say, knowledge is power, and being informed about your case and about the necessary...
NC Divorce Tips – 5 Things to Do Before You Divorce
Divorce is difficult. Trying to prepare for divorce is difficult. Living with the divorce at the beginning can also be difficult and at first glance, all of the above, can seem confusing. However, the confusion can be lessened by understanding what divorce is as well...
Do I Need an Attorney to Obtain an Absolute Divorce?
In North Carolina, there are two ways to obtain an “absolute” divorce. The first, is for the couple intending to divorce to live separate and apart for one year – that is being physically separated and not living together for at least a year and a day with the intent...
What should you wear to divorce court?
How you appear in divorce court could have an impact on the case.
Telling Others You’re Getting a Divorce
A divorce can be very hard for people outside the relationship to understand, especially family members.
Selling Your Home During a Divorce
Real estate markets change frequently and various factors, such as location and price, can affect how long your house will last on the market.
Managing Money While Getting a Divorce
It is important to create a budget that allows you take into account the extra cost of divorce.
Telling Your Spouse You Want a Divorce
Depending on the circumstances, this could be the most difficult and emotional point of the divorce process.
Five Steps to Coping with Divorce Stress
Day-to-day activities and obligations do not stop during the dissolution of a marriage and juggling everyday life can be extremely stressful.
Finding a new Home During a Divorce
At some point in the divorce proceedings, either you or your spouse will have to move out of the marital home. It may even be that both of you have to find a new place to live.
Should I use social media while getting a divorce?
Anyone may be able to gain access to your account: your former spouse, his relatives … or even his lawyer.
How to React when your Ex Has a New Relationship
One of the most difficult aspects of going through a divorce can be dealing your ex’s new significant other.
Should you have a secret stash of cash?
Having funds only you can access could provide a safety net and protect you from situations like spousal starving, where one spouse completely cuts off another.
What is a Divorce from Bed and Board?
Unlike an absolute divorce, a divorce from bed and board does not completely end a marriage, but it does affect each party’s rights with regard to each other and each other’s estate.
Legal separation and divorce in North Carolina
In North Carolina, ending a marriage is usually a two-step process. Once you understand what you are getting into, you will be better able to handle the anxiety you may feel.
What does a separation agreement do?
A separation agreement is used to specify what the parties agree to in regard to things like property division, alimony, child custody and support.
Alienation of Affection and Criminal Conversation in North Carolina
In North Carolina, a spouse can sue a third party for causing a loss of affection due to an affair. These claims are known as Alienation of Affection and Criminal Conversation.
How to Reduce the Cost of Divorce
Setting clear priorities and being willing to compromise are key to keeping costs down in a divorce.
How to Protect Yourself from Common Divorce Pitfalls
Educating yourself about the law, staying active in your divorce case and choosing a lawyer who is a good fit for your situation will make the divorce process much less stressful.
Preparing yourself for the divorce process
Every situation, every couple, and every divorce is different. Being better prepared for your individual situation will make the process much easier.
What if only one spouse wants a divorce?
Contesting an absolute divorce in North Carolina can be very difficult.
How can my separation agreement be enforced?
A separation agreement will be enforced differently depending on whether it has become part of a court order. A separation agreement that isn’t part of a court order is treated like any other contract made between parties.
Who is eligible for an annulment in North Carolina?
Annulments essentially mean the marriage never legally happened and are only allowed in North Carolina under very rare circumstances.
How to get an absolute divorce in North Carolina
There are certain conditions — including a one-year separation period — that must be met in order to receive an absolute divorce in North Carolina.
How can sex addiction impact a divorce?
Sex addiction can be an extremely uncomfortable topic for spouses. However, it can impact your situation in many ways.
How do I prepare a divorce complaint?
There are a number of specific steps that must be taken to prepare and file a divorce complaint.