Helpful Information for Navigating Your Divorce
Divorce is never easy, but with our help, you can expect a brighter, more hopeful future.
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When Your Child Doesn’t Want To Spend Time With The Other Parent
Divorce isn’t easy for anyone involved. It’s a painful process, and even though it may be necessary, it’s very emotional. There are a lot of difficult transitions and changes, and this can be frustrating for everyone – especially children. Moving from one home to...
Want to Stop Your Divorce?
A Guide to Voluntary Dismissal
Typically, divorce is a last resort for most couples. It's a decision reached only after all other measures have failed. For those who haven't yet tried all other options, doing so is always advised. The truth about marriage is that it is never easy. It takes hard...
Your Comprehensive Guide To Child Custody In North Carolina
Statistics indicate that around 40% of children in the United States are raised in a single-parent home, or divide their time between two parents, or other family members. This is no small number. Divorce isn't an easy process for anyone, and often, especially for...
Divorcing During A Recession
There are any number of difficulties that can lead to divorce. Sometimes, it can be something abrupt and painful like discovering an ongoing affair or a hidden addiction. In other cases, it can be the result of an ongoing struggle over an issue that has long been...
Planning For Your Children’s Future – Paying For College Following A Divorce
For many couples, financial matters are difficult to address during a divorce. They can be complex – and this is even more true for couples who have children. Most parents want to support their children as much as possible throughout their lives – and to plan and...
We’ll meet you right where you are.
We help you navigate the legal and emotional impacts of divorce.