Helpful Information for Navigating Your Divorce
Divorce is never easy, but with our help, you can expect a brighter, more hopeful future.
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What Should I Know about Child Custody
Of all the issues that couples find themselves facing during a divorce, child custody is often the most emotional, and to the majority of couples, the most important. This is entirely understandable – after all, there is nothing more valuable or cherished in life...
Legal Separation in North Carolina
When Are We Legally Separated? Without question, divorce is a complex and often confusing process. In truth, however, beyond the process itself being confusing, what is actually required as couples lead up to and prepare for beginning that process can be confusing...
Separation agreement anxiety – and how to avoid it
As anyone who has been divorced before knows well, divorce is far more than a piece of paper dissolving a marriage. It is a process. And like any process, it has a number of steps – the first of which is separation. In North Carolina, before parties can officially...
How Do I Get My Separation Agreement Signed?
Sometimes, the traditional image that people have when they envision the divorce process is two people battling it out in a courtroom - two adversaries fighting over their issues, each determined to prevail over the other, and to win at any cost. In fact, for most...
Divorce Procedure and the Actual Divorce
In the strictest legal sense of the word, a “divorce” is the decree that is entered by the court officially dissolving the marriage of two people. In reality though, most people who have been through a divorce can tell you that it entails far more than the piece of...
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