Helpful Information for Navigating Your Divorce

Divorce is never easy, but with our help, you can expect a brighter, more hopeful future.

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Tips for Dealing with Divorce Grief

When most of us make the decision to say, “I do,” we believe that our marriages will last – if not, we likely wouldn’t have walked down the aisle in the first place. Unfortunately, however, the reality is that many marriages do end in divorce. Circumstances change,...

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Tips for Successful Co-Parenting After Divorce

One universal truth about parenting is this: It is challenging. It is also wonderful, and life-changing, and full of moments of pure joy – but it isn’t easy.  This is true even in the most ideal of circumstances – when parents are on the same page, and living under...

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Tips for Helping Your Teen Post-Divorce

As anyone who has been through adolescence knows well, it isn’t the easiest time in life – for teenagers, or for their parents. It’s a time of significant change and transition for everyone.  As teenagers go through these changes and begin moving toward...

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Tips if You are Divorcing a Narcissist

According to ancient Greek mythology, a young man named Narcissus fell deeply in love with his own image reflected in a pool of water. Because of his tremendous and all-encompassing obsession with himself, he was unable to truly love others, or to receive love from...

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Grandparent Custody Issues in North Carolina

Without question, divorce can be difficult in any number of ways, and during the divorce process, emotions run high.  Perhaps in no circumstance, however, is divorce more difficult, or more emotional than when it comes to resolving issues of child custody.  Most...

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