Helpful Information for Navigating Your Divorce

Divorce is never easy, but with our help, you can expect a brighter, more hopeful future.

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Relocation for Better Job Opportunities

If you are like most people, you want the best opportunities possible and like most people this usually resonates in the job realm. Whether it is to receive a higher pay, better, more flexible hours or just more recognition, everyone, at some point, will search for...

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What Can I Do if My Ex Wants to Move with My Kids?

Some changes are harder than others. These changes can come in the form of trying to eat better to become a healthier you, stopping smoking, and in some cases, losing a  family you thought you would always have due to divorce or breakup. However, when you add the...

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Relocation: What Do I Do First?

Imagine:  You’ve been given a job promotion that could substantially change the life of you and your children. The only problem is, you would have to relocate to another state in order for this promotion to be effective. That wouldn’t pose much of a problem if you...

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Relocation to Be Closer to Family

When you are going through a separation or a divorce, you may feel, not only overwhelmed, but completely alone. If you have kids then you may be trying to determine what will happen with them, will you be able to support them on your own or, maybe, will they feel...

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Where clients are neighbors, not numbers.