Helpful Information for Navigating Your Divorce
Divorce is never easy, but with our help, you can expect a brighter, more hopeful future.
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Catching a Cheating Spouse in North Carolina
Common Signs of Cheating One fundamental truth of human relationships is this – all of them have their ups and downs. This is true in even the healthiest of marriages. Sometimes, one spouse is simply having a bad week, or a bad month. All of us do – it’s just...
Common Financial Mistakes Made During Divorce
The decision to get married is, in so many ways a decision to make two lives one – and finances are no exception to this rule. More often than not, married couples combine their debts, assets, and bank accounts, and budget together. This is understandable, and is...
Do I Have to Get Court Approval Before Relocating?
When you have a child with another person and there is a custody order in place, relocating may not the easiest thing for you to do. Whether it is moving that child away from the other parent, their school and friends, or other family members, relocating can prove...
Can I Move Before Modifying Child Custody?
Let’s face it: not everyone stays in the same place indefinitely. Depending on your life and circumstances, you may decide to move due to a change of job, to be closer to family, or even for better living standards. As if relocating isn’t an overwhelming process,...
How Do I Modify My Custody Order?
Though there are some people who hold on to their homes forever, in today’s times, and with the rapid changes of society, forever homes do not always exist. Perhaps you find another job in another location, or realize that you need to down size your home based on...
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