Helpful Information for Navigating Your Divorce

Divorce is never easy, but with our help, you can expect a brighter, more hopeful future.

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What is a Qualified Medical Child Support Order?

At the Law Office of Dustin S. McCrary, family law is our passion.  We spend each and every day working with families, and have the opportunity to see how much parents love their children on a daily basis.  Without question, most parents want to support their...

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The Benefits of Collaborative Divorce

You may be at a point in your life where you are facing the prospect of divorce.  The realization you’re your marriage is ending can often be overwhelming and stressful enough, and facing the prospect of a long drawn-out court battle over the issues that matter to...

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Co-Parenting After Abuse

Co-parenting after a divorce can be complicated.  This is true even in the best of circumstances.  Understandably, after a marriage ends, emotions are often running high, not to mention the fact that an inability to work together cooperatively is often part of what...

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Domestic Violence and Staying Safe

Unfortunately, we all may know someone who has been subjected to domestic violence. And as statistics show, domestic violence occurs at least once in two thirds of all marriages throughout the United States, with over 95% of those subjected to domestic violence...

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We’ll meet you right where you are.

We help you navigate the legal and emotional impacts of divorce.

Where clients are neighbors, not numbers.