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NC Lawyers Weekly: A Children’s COVID Vaccine Could Add to Conflicts for Divorced Parents
Earlier this month, the director of the White House Coronavirus Task Force said that vaccinating everyone in America against COVID-19 is one of the greatest operational challenges the country has ever faced and “we will not stop working until the mission is complete.”
Scary Mommy: When You And Your Ex Disagree On COVID-19 Vaccination
If you are a divorced person who has children with an ex, whether to vaccinate your children is going to be a topic the two of you need to discuss ASAP.
Yahoo: When You And Your Ex Disagree On COVID-19 Vaccination
While it’s true that vaccines for kids under the age of 16 haven’t been approved yet, they will (hopefully) be available over the next year or so, and many of us are already talking about whether or not to vaccinate our kids.
KOLD News 13: COVID-19 vaccine for children could be coming soon; What happens if parents are not on the same page?
Dustin McCrary is a divorce lawyer who has worked with many parents who couldn’t agree on their child’s medical treatment. He says Covid-19 vaccinations may be the next thing divorced parents fight over in court.
Reducing the Cost of Divorce
It’s no secret that divorce can be stressful. Without question, it’s one of the most significant and disruptive changes that many people will make in their lives. Even if it is ultimately for the best, it is certainly not without difficulty and frustration. Of...
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