Helpful Information for Navigating Your Divorce

Divorce is never easy, but with our help, you can expect a brighter, more hopeful future.

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Breaking Down the Cost of Divorce

Deciding to divorce is the beginning of a long, and often complex process. It's a process that will force you to address many issues and one that will cause you to ask many questions. One of the first questions you're understandably likely to ask is – how much will...

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How to Choose a Divorce Attorney

Without question, making the decision to divorce is probably one of the most difficult decisions you'll ever have to make. The truth, though, is that deciding to divorce is only the first of many decisions you'll have to make throughout this process. One of the...

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How Do We Divide Property in a Divorce?

Deciding to divorce is only the first step in a lengthy process – one in which couples will find themselves confronting many issues, and asking many questions. One of the most common is – when it comes to dividing up our property, who gets what? It's a good...

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Where clients are neighbors, not numbers.