Relocation for Better Educational Opportunities for Parents

As a nation, we have all been told over and over again, how important obtaining a good education is to your well-being and that it is in most people’s best interest to seek an education, regardless of your age, but when you add in child custody arrangements, the process can become complicated. This is especially so if a relocation must occur for these educational opportunities to come to fruition. Though we know that better educational opportunities are a contributing factor for your children in child custody relocation cases, does the same rules apply when a parent is seeking better educational opportunities? If you or a loved one is seeking relocation due to better educational opportunities while having a child custody arrangement in place, contact an experienced North Carolina child custody attorney to help you strategize about the best possible outcomes for your situation.

Can I Move for My Educational Opportunities as a Parent?

Generally, wanting, as well as having, the opportunity to further your education is an awesome goal to achieve. Unfortunately, when you have children and child custody arrangements involved, these opportunities, particularly if they are out of state, can make things a little more difficult for all parties involved. When you are seeking relocation, the judge will generally, look at different factors to determine whether the relocation is in the best interest of the child. This is the same for when you are relocating based on better educational opportunities for yourself. The court will look to see how this educational opportunity for you will benefit your child, if the child is unable to have both parents in their lives as currently agreed upon. Because of this, it is important to consider all questions revolving your move. These questions should consist of:

  • How long will school take?
  • How will your education affect your children?
  • Are there schools in your current area where you can achieve the same goal?
  • Will you return to your current location at the completion of school?

Asking yourself these questions and being honest with yourself can help you to make the best decision for you and your child. Though bettering your education is a factor in child custody modifications, it is usually the least persuasive, especially if you are moving the child in such a way that significant time cannot be spent with the other parent. In these situations, it is invaluable to seek legal advice, as relocating without modifying an agreement can put you in breach to your current arrangement, as well as subject you to an emergency custody action taken against you.

Need Legal Advice?

Don’t worry, your educational opportunities matter too. However, when you share a child with another and there is a child custody arrangement in place these opportunities may or may not be in the best interest of your child if the opportunity arises outside of the state. Though you may feel defeated or overwhelmed, you do not have to be. Depending on your circumstances, you may still be able to better you and your child’s future all while maintaining an adequate custody schedule for both parents involved. Because this can become a complicated matter, it is invaluable to seek legal assistance and advice if you find yourself in this situation. If you or a loved one is seeking a child custody modification due to relocation, contact an experienced North Carolina attorney at The Law Office of Dustin S. McCrary to help you with your situation. Here, at The Law Office of Dustin S. McCrary, we work to not only in the best interest for your child, but in the best interest as you as well. Contact our office today for a consultation!

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