Moving Without the Children: When It’s That Important

Whether you are a mother or a father, not having your children around every day can be overwhelming especially when you are used to seeing their smiling faces. To make matters worse, sometimes life happens at the speed of lightening that make you have to change your course which can have an effect on not only you, but your kids as well.  This is especially so when you are trying to keep up with a custody schedule and you are given news, such as being an only child and having to help a dying parent or being given a promotion that would extremely benefit your family’s life, all in another state. When these things happen, and you must relocate out of state for a certain amount of time and immediately, you may not have the time to modify a custody arrangement, so what happens next? Do you leave your kids or do you decide to not go through with your life altering  event? If you or a loved one is seeking relocation, but you have a child custody arrangement in place, contact an experienced North Carolina child custody attorney to help you with your case.

Moving Without Your Children

When you have been dealt a hand that requires you to make a decision that involves either taking your kids or leaving your kids in order to relocate to another state, the first option is to not just up and leave but to speak with your co-parent and see if the two of you can come up with a mutual plan. If the two of you cannot agree, it is in your best interest to make a motion to adjust the child custody arrangements, while stating the reasons of the immediate need to move and temporarily leave your children behind and inform the co-parent so that everyone is on notice of your relocation.

In the event you decide to move without having a formal child custody arrangement in place, you should file for custody with the court as soon as possible. Though there are consequences to this, such as the other parent having the opportunity to create a more stable life for your children, you still have the ability to establish how life was before the move and the courts will more than likely take your information into consideration.

Understandably, there are no easy answers when it involves your children and having to relocate without having time to actually process what is happening. Nonetheless, judges understand that life happens, and temporary situations do not have to be permanent. With an experienced attorney on your team, this process can be much easier. Because of this, you should seek legal advice and representation if you find yourself in this circumstance.

Need Legal Advice?

Having to consider relocating without your children can be frustrating, overwhelming, and just down right scary. Though you may feel alone or out of options, you have options available to you and The Law Office of Dustin S. McCrary can help you determine those options. Here, at The Law Office of Dustin S. McCrary we have extensive experience in child custody relocation matters and a success in helping you and the other parent of your child come up with a proper child custody schedule that fits both of your lifestyles. Because of this, if you or a loved one is considering relocating and you have a child custody arrangement in place, contact an experienced North Carolina child custody attorney at The Law Office of Dustin S. McCrary to help you strategize about the best possible outcomes for your case. Contact our office today!

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