Domestic Violence and Staying Safe – The Details

Domestic violence is a hidden epidemic, affecting nearly four million wives, children, relatives, and friends each year. Statistics reveal that an estimated 44 million women in the United States are battered annually by their partners, and 1 in 10 men will experience...

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Is Domestic Violence Grounds for Divorce?

Are you a victim of domestic violence? If you are, you may find yourself feeling overwhelmed. Afraid. Uncertain of where to turn, or what to do. It’s important to know and understand first and foremost, that if you find yourself in this situation, it’s not your fault...

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Co-Parenting After Abuse

Co-parenting after a divorce can be complicated.  This is true even in the best of circumstances.  Understandably, after a marriage ends, emotions are often running high, not to mention the fact that an inability to work together cooperatively is often part of what...

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Domestic Violence and Staying Safe

Unfortunately, we all may know someone who has been subjected to domestic violence. And as statistics show, domestic violence occurs at least once in two thirds of all marriages throughout the United States, with over 95% of those subjected to domestic violence being...

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Moving Far Away From Safety

There are several reasons why a parent can decide to relocate. Though most of these reasons can result around positive changes, such as a new job, a new relationship, as well as being closer to family. However, there are times when a parent will decide to relocate due...

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Domestic Violence in North Carolina: Understanding the Basics

Are you a victim of domestic violence? If so, you should know first and foremost, that you are not at fault.  You should also know that you are not alone.  On average, nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner in the United States....

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