Relocation for Better Job Opportunities

If you are like most people, you want the best opportunities possible and like most people this usually resonates in the job realm. Whether it is to receive a higher pay, better, more flexible hours or just more recognition, everyone, at some point, will search for a better or new job opportunity. Though you may tell yourself that you are ready for this opportunity when it presents itself, the truth of the matter is, if you are a parent, with a child custody order to adhere to you may find yourself in the most conflicting circumstance. On the one hand, you may want to accept this opportunity so that you can place your family in a better position, however, on the flip side, if the job requires you to relocate and you have a child custody arrangement then your new “opportunity” may have just turned into mental turmoil. Because of this, it is important to know and understand your position and the obstacles you may or may not face if you have a child custody or separation agreement in place. If you or a loved one is seeking to relocate due to a better job opportunity, contact an experienced North Carolina child custody attorney to help assist you with your case.

“I Did It!” Now What?

Being notified that the dream job you’ve been looking for, you know, the one that can put you and your kids in a better position, is wonderful and definitely exciting. This is, until you remember that you have a child custody arrangement in place and that to relocate for this job without modifying that agreement can be detrimental to your custody case. Though this is the case, luckily, child custody arrangements can be modified if there has been a substantial change of circumstances and if those changed circumstances will be in the child’s best interest. Generally, a judge will look to all of the facts of the case to determine whether this new job opportunity will be beneficial to your child. Factors that may be looked at are, but not limited to: is there more money with this new job opportunity, are the hours more flexible, does the new job allow more time with the kids or the opportunity to put them in better schools. It is important to note, however, that with all factors included, all cases are different and have different facts. Unfortunately, what worked for one person may not work for another. Because of this, seeking legal advice and representation is invaluable as each family is unique and how you proceed will depend on whether you have a child custody order or a separation agreement in place.

Need Legal Advice?

We all want to be afforded with better job opportunities. This is especially so when we you have children to feed and a mortgage or rent to pay. However, with this better job opportunity comes in the form of relocating, hurdles may start to stand in your way if you have a child custody order to adhere to. Though you can be frustrated, especially if the other parent is reluctant to the move, you don’t have to be. At The Law Office of Dustin S. McCrary, we are here to help you see, both the positive and negative implications, to relocating due to better job opportunities and then help to put you in a place to better succeed. Therefore, if you or a loved one is seeking to relocate due to better job opportunities and you have a child custody order or separation agreement in place, contact The Law Office of Dustin S. McCrary to help you with your situation. Contact our office today for a consultation.

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